CrossFit Purpose – CrossFit
2 Rounds
1 min of Ski Erg
5 Inch Worms
10 Good Mornings
Core work & Strength
3 Rounds
10 Romainian Dead Lifts
16 Seated Dumbell Press (8 each arm)
8 Ring Dips
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Team Amrap
Teams of 2 or 3
20 min AMRAP
One Partner devil bikes for cals
One Partner completes one round of……….
15 Sit-Ups
5 Push-Ups
5 Clean + Jerk (85/135)
If you are in a team of 3 the #3 person holds a plank until it is time to rotate.
Score is REPS, every cal = 1 REP