

CrossFit Purpose – CrossFit

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

For Time

Record Your Time @ The End Of Each Round

Round 1

7/5 Muscle Ups

35 Thrusters 95/65

Rest 3:00

Round 2

6/4 Muscle Ups

24 Thrusters 115/80

Rest 3:00

Round 3

5/3 Muscle Ups

15 Thrusters 135/95

Don’t Short Your Rest

Scale For Muscle Up Is

Chest To Bar

If You Cant Do Chest To Bar

Pull Ups Then Regular Pull Ups

Then Jumping Chest To Bar or Pullups

Core work & Strength

3 Sets

10 Single Arm Dumbell Z Press

15 DB Curls R/L

20 DB Lawnmower Rows R/L

Aerobic Capacity

2 Rounds

50 M Sprint (Walk Back Recovery)

100 M Sprint (Walk Back)

150 M Sprint (Walk Back)